Monday 25 September 2017

Business Anxiety - How To Relax Anxiety Caused By Trying To Start A Business

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Expert Author Marc-Eddy Drouinaud Jr
When you are looking to become your own boss and create income for yourself, it can be a little scary. When you are an entrepreneur, you do not have the guaranteed income that an employed person has. In most cases, an entrepreneur's income is based on how much product and service that they are able to sell. In my opinion, anxiety can cause a lot of problems when trying to start a business. Anxiety can cause you to worry about certain things too much and can cause you to doubt your chances of succeeding in the business world.
Here are some things you can do to release anxiety, so you can start a business:
Deep Breathing:
You can release anxiety by learning how to breathe. You have to breathe from your abdomen. By breathing deeply and calmly from your abdomen, you trigger the vagus nerve which will cause a relaxation response in your body.
Proper meditation allows your brain to go into deeper frequencies and relaxation. Meditation is an effective way to learn what is discomforting you the most. If you connect with your higher self, while observing what is causing your anxiety, you can diminish it. For meditation to be effective, you must be in an area that is silent.
Giving yourself a massage can be a quick and easy way to release some tension and pent-up anxiety. The places you should give yourself a massage are neck, foot, shoulder, and hip. Sometimes anxiety can cause physical tension, so try your best to release it.
Have some tea:
Tea can help calm jitters. However, do not drink too much. Have one cup of tea in the morning to get your day started and that should help lower the stress that is in your body.
Yoga is a great way to release the tension that is in your body. If you are having trouble finding a class near you, you can try an online program.
Create positive visualizations:
Identical to affirmations, a positive visualization can help you feel more optimistic. Instead of thinking about what will go wrong once you start a business, think about all the positive outcomes. Sometimes it is better to live in the realm of possibility than reality.
Stop drinking caffeine:
Caffeine stimulates adrenal glands in your body. When your adrenal glands are stimulated, you can cause your body to go into stress. If you need some energy, drink a glass of warm water with lemon.
Once you clear your anxiety, you can get a step-by-step study guide on how to create systematic income for yourself every month by visiting Unleash Your Potential

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