Friday 5 March 2010

Cutting down on expenses to keep money in your pocket

Have you ever tried to save a bit for a "rainy day" and money just disappears before you are able to do anything with it? How much money that is coming into your account can you put aside? Anything at all?
I bet you would be saying: "I can't put aside anything as I don't earn enough."

Wrong. I used to be the same. I was blaming everybody and the system, but not myself.

You have to change your thinking. Start by looking at your expenses: how much do you spend on what.
Make a list and put a number next to each point: what and how much it costs. Be critical. Is there anything that you can get by without? Of course, you have to buy food, but you don't need to buy organic, prepared and overpackaged. Ready meals are always more expensive and it does not take much to prepare them yourself.

What about smoking? Can you cut it down and finally give it up? It will keep a substantial amount of money in your pocket...

Leisure activities don't have to cost a fortune either. Take your children to London to visit Natural History Museum. The whole trip would cost you a train fare, but packed lunch you can make at home and save money. You don't even have to go to London, there must be museums around your area if you look for them. If not a museum, find a cheap activity in the neighbourhood. Or organise a barbecue in the garden and invite friends to socialise a bit.

Whatever money you manage to save, try to invest: be it a course or a product that will help you create more money. Education always costs, but the rewards are sweet.


Author: Joanna Foss, B.Sc.

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