Sunday, 14 March 2010

Failure or Feedback?

Alonso won the Grand Prix. Massa came second. Hamilton third. So they are winners...they shared the glory and champagne. What about the other drivers? shall we call them losers, just because they didn't come among the top three?

When you are running your business, how many times, honestly, did you feel that you achieved something? How many times did you miss opportunities or you gave them up altogether? Do you persevere in achieving your goals?

Look at the Formula 1 drivers: some of them may feel frustrated and curse their bad luck, but each of them is going to prepare to the best of his ability for the next race, in two weeks' time.

When you start your online business, do not expect results within five minutes. Instead, prepare to work and learn constantly. I have been running businesses for the last eleven years. Some worked, some didn't. Did I call my mistakes failures? No. They were just feedback. Feedback telling me, that certain way of running the business wasn't the right one and should have been changed. I stopped doing business in an uneffective way and turned all my strength into profitable action. And I stuck with my goal, which is financial independance by
April 2013.
If you are expecting a cake on the plate ready for you to eat without putting any effort, you are in for a big surprise. Nothing comes without work and effort. It's up to you to get off the comfortable seat and take action. Go for it!

You can blame the recession and circumstances. You can complain about your background and lack of privilage. It's easy to do, but it takes a lot of stamina to stand against a whole crowd teasing you about your dreams and persevere.

I wasn't born into a privilaged, money filled background. I have never received anything ready to consume. Whatever I achieved, I achieved thanks to my determination and perseverence.
On top of this, I became disabled, due to my illness. How should I feel when I learnt about my incurable illness? Give my life up and stagnate? Or try to achieve my dreams?

It is laughable to hear some people complaining about difficulties they face while setting up their business online.. When you are healthy, nothing is difficult. Even when you go through periods of time, when you feel like giving up, because nothing works, there is always another day.

So be a winner like Formula 1 drivers. Treat failures as feedback and move on. There is always another race...
Author: Joanna Foss, B.Sc.
Follow her at:!/profile.php?ref=profile&id=718953060


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