Monday 10 November 2014

Earning £1 or saving a pound?

I'll ask you the question: is it easier to earn £1 or to save it?

It's easier to save a pound. Savings can be performed effortlessly without downgrading your life style.

Questions you need to ask yourself: are you living within your means? Do you know the value of each pound? Are you frugal with living expenses?

If you go for grocery shopping and  throw away rotten vegetable or fruit, you should be looking at it as if you were throwing cash into the bin.I am not asking you to eat food that went off, but to plan ahead and eat it before it goes off. Throwing food away is awful. It's wasteful and immoral considering there are people who suffer from hunger. Your first saving can be made by not buying what you are not going to eat. Stop falling for marketing B.S. that encourages you to buy everything you see. For a month, whenever you go food shopping, stick to the list and refuse to buy in excess. Don't waste any food. Keep all your bills and at the end of the month see how much you saved. You'll be amazed.

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