Saturday 22 November 2014

Forget a 5-day week!

Yesterday I had a very interesting conversation with a friend, who works in a 9-5 job. No, the conversation wasn't enlightening in any sense of knowledge exchange, but one thing struck me.
When I mentioned we had to go as we work 7 days a week, I was faced with disbelief.

Yes, we do and I don't mean we carry around a sack of potatoes 8 hours per day, seven days a week.

We work even harder, as our work involves thinking and planning. And it takes a lot of effort, mental effort. We call this time: "Our Brainstorming Session". Whatever comes to our minds, we write it down to be evaluated later on. I had an idea which we are investigating further, to see if it's viable.
If it is, it's going to be changed into business, to add another string to the bow. And to make money, of course.

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